About Sereti Sa Mamokutu

I am a South African poet who writes and recites poetry as a hobby. I was born and bred in the rural village of Mafefe in the Limpopo Province of South Africa. My poems are in English and Sepedi (my home language). The English poems I write but never recite. The Sepedi poems I recite but never write. 

My English poems are evoked and triggered by emotions and inspirations. Without an emotion/inspiration I can hardly put 'pen to paper' and write an English poem. For example 3 of my poems (9 shots, Table for 10, and No fair chance in life) were triggered by emotions of loss. Another poem (Mafefe, you beautiful Thing!) is inspired by beauty. When an emotion/inspiration is involved I can compile a complete poem in 1 hour. As Eminem would say; "you'd think Im carrying an Oxford Dictionary in my pocket".

On the other hand, my Sepedi poems are learnt through oral history and story-telling and adapted, updated and revised to fit the intended purpose. I can have a Sepedi poem to recite for every day of the year, thanks to elders in my community. Go on and enjoy my page as I rhyme what I like!!


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