9 Shots: by Sereti Sa Mamokutu

Did I deserve to die,
For tirelessly exposing a lie?
Did I deserve to be shot,
For making undercollars hot?

Hee lena Bapedi! Your silence is deafening
Sebatakgomo! Your inaction is weakening
You may disagree with my fights
But still find it in you to stand up for my rights

Are you sure you didnt hear a sound?
Not even a bark from my black hound?
Where you that deep in sleep?
That you missed that baa from my sheep?

They'll peddle a Hani-type conspiracy,
These master crafters of herecy
Who stood to gain from my demise?
Who harboured the most despise?

They'll portray me as a crook
Because I removed a worm from their hook
They'll celebrate my death
Because I interfered with their breath

Am I turning into a sacrificial lamb
Simply because I belonged to the other camp
Am I going to be forgotten
Because of those by whom I was begotten

In my house I fed an Iscariot
Who yearned to be a salariat
In my car I carried a charlatan
Who turned out to be partisan

Did I ruffle so much feather,
to perish in such an unforgiving weather?
Did I cause so much storm,
to be tracked down to my dorm?

In the face of continued belligerence
I urge like-minded to maintain vigilance
Yes, it is for me a day-off,
But beyond the grave I insist on a pay-off


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