No fair chance in life (an epitaph): by Sereti Sa Mamokutu

Mogo (wild fig tree)
Our fig trees are given names: Maakubu, Maposo, Kgaragara, Makitipjane, Lekgeswa, Mogong-o-Moso,
Wa ga Tswaledi, Wa ga Mokone etc. We spent our childhood playtimes under these huge trees because they provided shade, fruit, and there was always water from the nearby Ngwaname River

All odds worked against your efforts in life
You had no one to call 'dad' during your strife
No home to call home and relish,
And no stable family life to cherish
You never had a fair chance in life, my friend!

You lived a nomadic life with no options
Cared for by strangers of all concoctions
You were here today, gone tomorrow
Following your mother everywhere in sorrow
You never had a fair chance in life, my friend!

Then one by one you lost them apace
First it was your little sister, and you put a brave face
Your mother followed, you still had hope
And then it was your brother, and you couldn't cope
You never had a fair chance in life, my friend!

Feeling alone you went into a survival mode
Section 26 of the Constitution offered no abode
Haplessly you were consumed by the street
In an attempt to save face you went discreet
You never had a fair chance in life, my friend!

Those handsome looks lacked a mother's nourishment
Your intelligence yearned for a father's encouragement
Your artistic talents had no sibling persuation
Gradually, a promising life vanished without hesitation
You never had a fair chance in life, my friend!

I tried my best to give you opportunities
I guess I never really diagnosed your calamities
Maybe I didn't try hard enough to care for your livelihood
Now all Im left with are memories of our childhood
You never had a fair chance in life, my friend!

An angry Ngwaname River during the rainy season can bring the whole village to a standstill


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